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Basketball Conditioning Drills - Mountain Climber


Line up the team along the baseline; you may need to make two groups. The team runs 1 length of the court on the whistle. They have 7 seconds to make it to the opposite free throw line. On the next whistle they must run three lengths of the court (down, back, down). They have twenty-one seconds to make it back to the free throw line. (Make sure on the first two lengths they are going all the way to the baseline, then on the last length, in this case the third, they just have to go to the free throw line.) You continue this going from 1-3-5-7-9-11-9-7-5-3-1. Each length of the court constitutes seven seconds. For example on the 'top' of the mountain (11 length's of the court) they have 77 seconds to make it.



Number of Players:

The whole team


At the beginning of the season you may want to limit the top of the mountain to 9, going 1-3-5-7-9-7-5-3-1. But by mid-season the team should be able to make the climb on a consistent basis with no problems. Add a little incentive for the players to make it in the allotted time by adding punishments for not making it. (Additional sprints, push-ups, sit-ups, jump ropes, etc.)


If you have a few slower guys you can give them 7.5 or 8 seconds for each length of the court.




This basketball drill is copyright © 2024 Championship Productions, Inc.

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