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Basketball Shooting Drills - cross court lay-ups/shooting


This drill works on passing accuracy, catching while on the move, full speed lay-ups, and conditioning.


There are two lines of players at the corner of one baseline. Line A is on the right and Line B is on the left. Players 2-4 in line A have a ball. Players 1-3 in line B have a ball.

Player 1 in line A(A1) sprints towards half court. Player 1 in line B(B1), who is one step on the court, throws a baseball pass to A1. A1 should catch it and begin dribbling without traveling and go to the opposite end and make a lay-up. A1 gets his or her own rebound and speed dribbles on the outside of the court to the opposite sideline from where he or her came and head back to the other end. At about half court he or she makes a pass to B4 who is waiting for a ball. In the mean time, as soon as B1 makes the pass to A1 he or she sprints towards half court receiving a pass from A2. B1 catches the ball, dribbles to the goal and makes a lay-up, gets the rebound, speed dribbles around the court toward the A line and passes to A5 who needs a ball.

This continues at a rapid speed.

Number of Players:

4 - ?


Make the players catch the ball.

If it is going to be a short pass they must come back and catch it.

Do not let them knock it down into a dribbling motion.

Make them dribble before they travel.

I make them call the name of the player they are passing to.

You can go a set number of reps or I like to go for four minutes and they must make 50 lay-ups.

You can also allow jump shots.




lay-ups and baseball passes


This basketball drill is copyright © 2024 Championship Productions, Inc.

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