Championship Productions, Inc.
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Basketball Passing Drills - 3 Line Passing Drill


We alternate this drill nightly with our individual ballhandling drills. Start out with three lines and a ball in the middle line. Start all series with a a strong rebound off the glass. We want to go get the ball at the peak of the rebound and secure the rebound with both hands. I want to see them turn to the outlet. The receiver must step to the outlet and call for the ball. We then do a progression of drills from here:

Three man weave.

Rebound/outlet/long pass.

Rebound/outlet/sideline pass/flash post.

Reound/outlet/tip drill.

Rebound dribble out/jumpstop-rush drill.



Number of Players:



Weave: The passer must call the receivers name out.

Long pass: Step to outlet and lead the shooter.

Flash Post: Have your manager defend post so we know where we want the ball to be entered from either top or side.

Tip Drill: Rebounder passes to outlet who throws long pass to opposite sideline. He then passes off board to rebounder who passes off board to outlet man.

Rush Drill: Rebounder takes ball off board and dribbles to half-court and uses a jump stop. The wings start about the volleyball lines and run to touch the baseline and sprint to halfcourt. The rebounder then chooses a side to throw to and the person who doesn't receive the ball becomes the defender for know what has become a 2 on 1 advantage. The defender must try to take a charge or interupt the flow of the shot by the offensive player.


We have a down and back on any breakdown of fundamentals.

Example: would be a bad pass. Travel or missed lay-up. Not communicating. This is a great warmup drill to begin practice.




This basketball drill is copyright © 2024 Championship Productions, Inc.

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