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Basketball Defensive Drills - 4-lines


I use (4) lines as a warm-up drill and also use it as a way to teach players the pick and roll, shooting off the dribble while coming the pick - and just putting different priorities on the drill as I see fit. The drill is simple and if you picture the lines starting in between half court and the three point line and having the first line start from left going to right evenly spaced across the width of the three point line. First line = offense, Second line = defense, third line = picker, 4th line = passer. Passer slaps ball - first line (offense) makes a V-cut to get open, the defender plays light defense, the picker picks the defense and then the offense comes off the pick. Here is where you put in the options.... shoot, drive, pick and roll. Easy drill - gets everyone involved. The players rotate to the right and to the next line after they complete the drill.



Number of Players:



Use this drill early in the season and as a warm-up before the game. Get the players to set good strong picks and have the man receiving the ball go through all of his options --- get the feel of the game.




Pick and Roll - Shooting off the dribble - V-cuts - Flare cuts


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