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Basketball Conditioning Drills - 5 Spot Conditioning Drill


Players shoot jump shots at five different spots on the floor. In between each shot they sprint and defensive slide.


Outline five spots, all on one half of the floor (left or right) for the kids to shoot their jumpers from. Players start at the first spot with a jumper, after shooting they spirit to the corner of the sideline and midcourt (note: the spots for shooting should start at the baseline and move up towards the free throw line). After sprinting to the corner they reverse pivot (as to face the baseline) and defensive slide to the middle of the court, defensive slide back to the corner and sprint to the next spot. Shoot at spot number two and repeat the sprint/slide sequence.

Number of Players:

any number will work


Make sure kids use a good jump stop before shooting and use the backboard when they can. Also, watch their defensive slide closely to check their technique. Another good idea is to run to groups at the same time, one on the left and one on the right.


You can turn it into a competition by timing each kid, taking off half a second (or a second) for each missed shot. You can chart improvement and make the losers run.


Shooting on run, defensive slide


This basketball drill is copyright © 2024 Championship Productions, Inc.

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