Championship Productions, Inc.
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Basketball Passing Drills - Five Point Passing


Quick paced passing drill to develop hands and concentration.


Have four players stand in a rectangle with one player in the middle of the rectangle. For the rectangle positions I use the ends of the foul line and the two bottom positions of the lane. The players are going to pass the ball to one another and then GO to the position they passed to. The player in the middle of the box starts with the ball and throws it to one of the corners - lets say, to the spot at the end of the foul line. That player passes down the lane and goes to that position. That player passes diagonally across the box, to the remaining end-of-the-foul-line and goes to that position. That player passes down the lane and goes there. That player passes diagonally and goes there. etc

Number of Players:



If you run this with five players, each player ALWAYS passes to the same person.

Start in slow motion, because this is a difficult drill to run initially.

Snappy passes all above head level puts the most pressure on good hands.

Players must RUN to the new position to clear through the lane before the next diagonal pass.

Looks good as a warm up drill before the game.

You can feed in sixth, seventh etc players by forming a line at one of the corners - when the players pass to that position they go to the back of the line. Start with five players initially.






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