Championship Productions, Inc.
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Basketball Conditioning Drills - Full Court Taps


Continuous Full Court Taps for 1 Minute.


2 Balls Required. Half of the players line up at just inside the right elbow area on the foul line and face the basket, the other half of the players do the same on the other end.

Space the line out so that there is a few steps between players and so that the end of the line is well past half court. The first player in each line tosses the ball off of the backboard and sprints to the end of the other line. The second player, and each successive player, must tap the ball off of the glass and sprint to the end of the other line.

Do this for one minute without the ball dropping.

Number of Players:



Players must communicate the spacing or how much distance they are behind the tapper. For instance, if I am well behind, I need to tell my teammate to bounce it HARD off of the glass OR I need to indicate if I am right behind the tapper, so he/she doesn't tap it so hard that it goes over my head.

Sometimes teammates will need to sprint ahead of a player that is seriously behind in order to not let the ball hit the ground--and thus repeat the drill. Stress the importance of teammates helping one another in difficult times.

Talking and teamwork are huge in this drill.


Vary the time and number of players.


Communication and teamwork


This basketball drill is copyright © 2024 Championship Productions, Inc.

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