Championship Productions, Inc.
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Basketball Conditioning Drills - Full Court Tip Drill


This is a full court conditioning drill that encourages players to get up and down the court.


Line up half of your players facing one basket, the other half facing the opposite basket. Both lines will need one ball.

On a signal, the first player in each line throws the ball up softly off of the glass. The second player in line jumps up and tips it against the glass, followed by the third player, and so on.

After tipping the ball, each player must sprint to the opposite basket and fall in line until it is his/her turn to tip on that end. The drill continues for a set period of time. (we work up to one minute). Each time the ball hits the floor, the clock stops and the players earn a sprint to be done at the end of the drill. The object is to go for the entire minute without stopping. Can be done a number of times in one practice.

Number of Players:



Have the faster players space themselves out between the slower ones.

Encourage the players to motivate each other.

You can set a limit to the # of times the ball is allowed to hit the floor. If the limit is reached, the team must run and start over.




Running, Jumping, Ball Handling


This basketball drill is copyright © 2024 Championship Productions, Inc.

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