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Basketball Shooting Drills - Haney 3 Point Drill


Excellent drill to improve three point shooting... Provides game-type pressure.


Pick five spots (usually both baselines, both elbows, and top of the key) behind the three point line. You must make five (5) in a row from your starting spot (usually one of the baselines) before moving to the next spot. At each spot you must make five (5) in a row before moving on. After completing all five spots around the three point line, reverse the order you shot in and go again for a total of ten spots. End the drill by making a minimal 8/10 at the free throw line.

Number of Players:

1 and up


The repetition and self induced pressure make this a great drill for your shooters. Another benefit is the fact that it can be worked on individually....self-motivated players will incorporate these kind of drills into their routine.


Can also be done by picking any five spots on the floor and/or adding a move to the shot (i.e. pull up jumpers, fadeaways, free throw extended jumpers, etc.). The key is that you must hit five in a row before advancing to your next spot. Excellent shooters looking for a good workout can bump this to ten in a row.


Pressure shooting, shooting while fatigued, shooting repetition


This basketball drill is copyright © 2024 Championship Productions, Inc.

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