Championship Productions, Inc.
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Basketball Warm-Up Drills - Layup/jump shot warmup


The team takes all of the warmup time to practice left handed and right handed layups and jump shots from both sides.


Now stick with me cuz this could take a while. and trust me, its worth it!!! Ok, get your team to make two lines, both behind the three point line, and about 5 feet to the side of where the key would be if you extended it, on both sides of the key. start on the right side, give the first person in line the ball, he dribbles down and the first person in the other line goes to the hoop also. whether the shooter makes the layup or not, the other person gets the rebound and passes it to the next person in line of the line that the shooter started in. the kids who went first change lines. then after everyone has gone 3 times, you switch it up. then after that, give the ball back to the side that started the drill, and they do the same thing except instead of layups, they shoot jumpshots((((3 pointers or short jumpers)))) then again, after everyone has gone three times, switch it up!!

Number of Players:



Make sure that the team is paying attention.


Just make sure that u have enough time, it takes about 5-10 minutes. depending on how much time you have, thats when you should decide how many times each person does it!


Layup, jump shot, passing, and dribbling


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