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Basketball Combination Drills - Ribault 5 pass Drill


Passing drill designed to practice the 5 most common basketball passes.


Set up three lines at half court facing the basket. Player #1 at center court, player #2 on the left wing with Player #3 on the right wing.

Player #1 takes 2 steps then makes a chest pass to the player sprinting down the left side (Player #2). Player #1 goes behind Player #2 (like a 3 man weave) and goes in for the rebound down the left side.

Player #2 catches the chest pass, takes 2 steps and makes a bounce pass to player #3 that is cutting to the basket for a lay-up down the right side. As soon as player #2 completes the bounce pass, player #2 sprints to mid-court to receive an outlet pass.

Player #3 makes the lay-up then sprints down the opposite side wing on a fast break. Player #1 gets the rebound and makes a baseball pass to player #2 who is now at mid court.

Player #2, at mid court, makes an overhead pass (Soccer pass) to Player #3 as that player sprints by. Player #3 takes 2 steps then makes an underhand pass to the next person at center of the court so the drill can continue with the next set of players.

All players wind up next to a different original line. The players get in a different line that the one they started off in for their next turn in the drill.

Number of Players:

3 or more


Nobody needs to dribble during this drill, only practice passes. The exception is if you move them to the 3point line to start the drill.


Once all players have run this drill at least once from each line, make the 1st pass (chest pass) to the right and the drill is run in the opposite direction. This forces the lay-up to be taken with both the right and left hand by all players.

Once the players have mastered this drill, move them back to the 3point line to start the drill. This time have Player #1 take 2 dribbles before making the 1st chest pass while the other players sprint down the wings. Player #1 is the only player authorized to dribble.


Passing and layup.


This basketball drill is copyright © 2024 Championship Productions, Inc.

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