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Basketball Shooting Drills - Round the Horn and Shoot


There are four positions on the floor. One at the top of the arc (TOP), one where the three-point line and foul line extended meet (OUTLET), one under the basket (BOARD) and one near where the three-point line and foul line extended meet on the other side from position 2 (SHOT).

This drill will get your players to learn the art of popping-out and shooting, leading a popping-out shooter and passing around the horn.


When the BOARD position player rebounds the ball after a missed shot, the BOARD position player will immediately pass the ball to the OUTLET position player and pop-out to the SHOT position. When the OUTLET position player receives the pass, the OUTLET position player will pass the ball to the TOP position player and move under the basket to the BOARD position (for the next rebound). When the TOP position player receives the pass, the TOP position player will pass the ball to the SHOT position player who has just popped-out. When the SHOT position player receives the pass, the SHOT position player shoots the ball and moves to the TOP position.

This creates a circular motion of movement by the three players (BOARD->SHOT->TOP->OUTLET->BOARD). When a fourth player is entered into the mix, have two players underneath in the BOARD position at the same time. Whoever gets the rebound gets to pass the ball to the OUTLET and move to the SHOT position.

Number of Players:

3 minimum, 4 is better


I've used this drill to help girl's teams--which I have found after coaching girls for over ten years--don't always look to shoot first. This drill gets them used to catching, turning and shooting quickly.

Make sure the drill is run quickly. If the drill is run quickly, it's a great conditioning drill. Also, look to make sure the stopping and popping shows the kind of effort you want during the game. Don't let players get lazy on you.


I didn't mention which direction the OUTLET position was (right or left) from the BOARD position. That means this rotation works both ways. Definitely make them work both ways. This will work on the muscles and turn-around techniques required to be championship-level players.


Pop, Stop and Shoot


This basketball drill is copyright © 2024 Championship Productions, Inc.

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