Championship Productions, Inc.
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Basketball Shooting Drills - Shooting Relay


Split your team into four groups. Put one group at each basket. Each group will have two balls. Each player will soot and get his own rebound and pass to the next shooter. At all other baskets available put 2 balls, one on each elbow. Each player must make three shots (or a number you designate) before he can advance. When he makes his shots, he moves clockwise to the next hoop. The object is to see which team completes the circuit of every basket first.


Explain to the team, that this drill is both individual and team. Your team cannot win until all players complete the circuit. Also explain that after each player makes his shots, he can advance without his team. As he does that he must get his own rebound.

Number of Players:



Have the players concentrate on game condition shooting, and making shots under pressure.


You can add dribble moves or fakes, or anything you like to keep the drill in game condition.


Catch/shoot game conditions


This basketball drill is copyright © 2024 Championship Productions, Inc.

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