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Basketball Ball Handling Drills - Wicked crossover drill


You go to the top of the three line bust a wicked crossover right under your opponent and burn him to the hoop.


You take the ball on either side of the hoop (you pick which side) and you dribble slowly to the top of the three line. Dribbling slowly is important because your opponent will relax and be off his guard. Since you are dribbling slow he will probably catch up to you and that's when you act. As soon as he's within two feet of you (two and a half feet is the absolute maximum distance between you and your opponent) you take a huge step in the opposite direction you want to go and you do an extremely low crossover right under him, push off of your foot that you planted and burn him. It's important that, 1 you plant your foot in the opposite direction you want to go and to push off that foot, and 2, you do the crossover directly under him. Since the ball is so close to him he'll be faked out.

Number of Players:





Behind the back.


Speed and fun.


This basketball drill is copyright © 2024 Championship Productions, Inc.

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